This course introduces key workflows to successfully deploy ArcGIS Indoors. Learn how to create and maintain a complete system for indoor mapping and data management that lets your organization share smart building maps. Get hands-on practice with tools and workflows used to integrate CAD, BIM, and GIS data; create floor-aware data and layers to support indoor navigation; and manage indoor data over time to streamline workspace planning and facilities management. You’ll also explore data considerations and data-preparation techniques in ArcGIS Pro.


GIS analysts and GIS professionals


Completion of ArcGIS Pro: Essential Workflows or Migrating from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Indoors basics or equivalent knowledge.

  • Price on request
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Language: This training will be organized in Dutch and French. Also possible in English at request.

The following topics are covered:

  • Getting started with ArcGIS Indoors
  • Preparing building data
  • Loading floor plan data
  • Adding floor-aware features
  • Create a 3D model
  • Indoors preliminary network
  • Managing the Indoors final network
  • Sharing resources for ArcGIS Indoors
  • Indoor viewer web app
  • Launch actions
  • Indoor Space Planner web app
  • Making Indoors apps dynamic

After following this course you will be able to:

  • Import georeferenced CAD and BIM floor plan data into an ArcGIS Indoors geodatabase
  • Build a routable indoor network that supports wayfinding using ArcGIS Indoors apps.
  • Create floor-aware maps and 3D scenes.
  • Deploy ArcGIS Indoors mobile and web apps to enable individuals to easily navigate a building and reserve meeting rooms and workspaces.

There are no fixed dates for this course. If you are interested in following this course, please contact us at

There are no fixed dates for this course. If you are interested in following this course, please contact us at

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