Small and Rural Systems

Mapping made easy

Person in a yellow safety vest next to a fire hydrant and a map of water infrastructure

GIS provides a foundation for your work

Easy-to-use maps and applications enable your organization to collect, use, and share information with everyone that needs it

Maps have always been essential to understanding and improving the delivery of safe, clean drinking water and reliable sewer and stormwater services. Today, digital maps enable field crews to quickly view and collect data with mobile devices. Eliminating paper forms and data entry improves workflows across the organization and provides a simple way to share information with others. Learn how you can use GIS to resolve common business challenges in Getting Started with Digital Transformation Using ArcGIS: A Guide for Small and Rural Water Utilities.

Download the guide

Discover resources for water utility workflows

Collect data

Start mapping your system by collecting data in the field. Easy-to-use applications help you build maps and populate your asset registry, supporting workflow efficiency.

Learn about ArcGIS Field Maps
Collect data

Support asset management

Assets are spatial—they all have locations, and every location has a story to tell. Using location, utilities discover patterns and trends that simple reporting cannot reveal, improving asset management results.

Download the ebook
Hydrant inspection dashboard

Gain operational awareness

Web maps and apps connect staff inside and outside the office. Dashboards display operational views of work, specific to the user's needs. Seeing mobile activities in real time improves workflows, resulting in more work completed in less time.

Download the operations ebook
Reported issues investigation dashboard with map


GIS: A large role at a small utility

Scott Ramsay, operations manager, shares how he started with no knowledge of GIS but ended up developing it as an invaluable tool.

Read the user story

ArcGIS transforms Lebanon Water

Implementing ArcGIS allowed Lebanon Water to visualize water loss data, make informed decisions, and share information with stakeholders.

A screencap from the featured video of a person in a blue polo shirt pointing to a map dashboard display, with an overlaid clickable button to access the video

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