Pioneering role
Hubertus Vereniging Vlaanderen vzw has played a pioneering role since 2007 in digitizing the Flemish hunting grounds. It is thanks to the investment and efforts of the hunting sector that the digital hunting plans have been realized.
Hubertus Vereniging Vlaanderen takes its responsibility and contributes to making the hunting plans transparent and updating. The latter is a considerable administrative task, partly due to volatile ownership and difficult access to the land register. In the past it was legally possible to colorize plots smaller than 1 ha on which no hunting rights were leased in the hunting plan. Now that this is no longer the case, WBEs are working on an update round. The hunting plans are therefore becoming more and more correct.
HVV was busy drawing up the 2018 – 2019 proposals in the autumn of 2017 and the spring of 2018. The vast majority of Flemish wildlife management units (179 of the 185 recognized WBEs) are counting on HVV to draw up the hunting plan. After the WBE, HVV is the most authentic source of the Flemish hunting plans.
HVV therefore opted to publish the proposed collective hunting plans 2018 – 2019 on its website ( so that any interested party can consult the most up-to-date data without any worries. The proposals for hunting plans 2018 – 2019 of individual hunters are currently not yet projected as HVV does not yet have correct data.
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