Overview of BPA’s and RUP’s

The plans viewer for the visualisation of spatial plans in Flanders offers you an overview of all special development plans (BPAs) and spatial implementation plans (RUPs) on the territory of Flanders.

The information is based on MercatorNet data.

This web application aims to give all GIS users and data managers in Flemish municipalities access to spatial plans such as RUPs and BPAs at different levels such as region, province and municipality. The data includes spatial planning ordinances at different levels in three vector formats: points, lines and polygons, all in WFS format.

Please note that the app may take several seconds to load due to the amount of data. If all layers do not load immediately, please refresh the page.

Do you want some more information about this initiative. Discover this in the StoryMap created about the Plannenviewer Vlaanderen Web Application.

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