We hope you’ll join us!
It’s a busy time of the year here at Esri. We’re all working to make the 2018 User Conference a valuable experience for our users, partners, start-ups and distributors. This year’s theme—”GIS – Inspiring What’s Next”— focuses on the digital transformations made possible by technological advancements and the innovative ideas of GIS users. It’s your work that makes GIS progress possible, so we hope you are able to attend and learn about the next frontier in GIS.
The strong sense of community among our users is what makes the User Conference special – so if you cannot attend, we would love to invite you to get together with others to watch the plenary session live on our Facebook page. Click the “Going” button on our event page to receive live stream updates in the weeks leading up to the conference.
Wat zijn de voordelen van een webinar?
U verlies geen tijd, u volgt immers de webinar van achter u computer.
Geen reiskosten en verblijfkosten.
Deelname is gratis, je hebt enkel een computer en een internet connectie nodig.