Discover what’s new in ArcGIS Earth 1.9
In this release, major enhancements were made for KML and KMZ support, including the following:
- Manual refresh of the KML file that includes network links
- Adjust refresh settings for KML network links
- Displays hyperlink and snippet in the table of contents
- Pop-up window usability enhancements
ArcGIS Earth 1.9 added the following new capabilities:
- Localization for Japanese, Polish, and Russian
- Support to manual refresh of a KML file that includes network links
- Allows time-based refresh settings and view-based refresh settings for KML network links
- Support to display hyperlink and snippet in the table of contents for KML/KMZ file
- Support 3D navigation device
- Added MrSID format for raster
ArcGIS Earth 1.9 included the following enhancements:
- Improved usability for the pop-up window, including the following:
- Allows to maximize and restore the pop-up window
- Displays customized pop-up content configured for a portal item
- Displays pop-up window while playing a KML tour
- Support to adjust transparency for KML layer
- Support to automatically save workspace
- Support to identify feature collection
- Added indicator while data is still loading or rendering
- Enhanced login process with PKI authentication, especially via Oracle Access Management Servers
- Support to add a WMTS layer with a custom tilling schema
- Support group layer for web scene
- Support to search addresses with a custom locator
- Support to handle different decimal separators when importing a CSV/TXT file
- Enhanced highlight effect for selection
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