Discover the world through GIS
GIS day provides a forum for users of geographic information systems (GIS) to share their real-world applications of the technology. It promotes a living geography through a number of applications that are useful for society as a whole.
GIS Day aims to bring as many active citizens together on a global level forming a grassroots effort opening participation for all.
“As you are also “infected” with the GIS virus, this could be a great opportunity to share your knowledge and vision with others, introducing them to the wonderful world of GIS”
F. Wauters
Let this GIS day be an occasion to join forces and showcase the possibilities of GIS in broadening our understanding of the world around us.
GIS day 2018 in Belgium
Safe school zones – student focused, active citizenship
ESRI Belux would like to encourage active citizenship through GIS by encouraging students to report and analyse the safety of their school zone area. The Safe School Zones project will bring GIS to the palms of students and teachers across Belgium.
Have a look at the events held globally to celebrate GIS Day last year…
Interested? Join in…
Do you have an idea of how to celebrate GIS Day this year? Please provide a summary of your idea and how you would like our support in the form below.
Do you want your event featured on global map? Register your event here:
Do you have further questions?
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