Friday, March 1, 2019 – Leuven
On May 26, 2019, Flemish, European and Federal elections are on their way. Time to reflect on what future governments should put in place with regard to geo-policy. What was good in the last legislature, where better, where are great steps to be taken, …
Various administrations and interest groups have already submitted their wishes to the various political parties. We want to go further with FLAGIS. During BeGeo we organize a debate with the various political parties. On the one hand we ask the various parties about their program, on the other hand we want to address the needs of the sector.
To prepare the debate well, we count on you. On Friday, March 1, FLAGIS organizes a workshop to collect input from the entire geo sector. The question ‘What should the upcoming government team (Flemish / Federal / European) use to provide a better way of working with Geo-Information (Recovery / Management / Reuse / Analysis / Research / Co-creation / …)?’ is central. What should definitely be retained? What should extra be used for? What is possibly completely wrong (must be completely different or not)? …
The workshop consists of two parts. In the morning we let various organizations (administrations, companies, institutions, education and research) talk about what they experience as important points. In the afternoon we use the GPS brainstorm method to look for what is alive and what are the most important needs from the entire geo sector.
The input is used to ask BeGeo questions to the various political parties. What do they consider important? What do they want to bet on? How do they wish to meet the questions that are alive? …
9h30 – Welcome
10:00 – Introduction
10:20 – Different organizations bring their vision (6 speakers)
11.20 – Break
11:40 – Different organizations bring their vision (6 speakers)
12:40 – Lunch break
13:40 – Introduction Roundtable discussion
14:00 – Brainstorming with the GPS method
15:30 – End of the brainstorm
16:00 – Consolidation
16:30 – network drink
17:30 – End
Price: Free registration
Time: Thursday 1 March 2019 from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Location: Parkstraat 45. 3000 Leuven, nabij Alma II, – Raadzaal van de Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen – KU Leuven
More info for registration: FLAGIS secretariat
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