Learn how to build immersive web apps that take advantage of modern web design principles without writing code. This course shows how to interactively create, configure, and publish mapcentric and datacentric web apps that feature your organization’s content. This course is ideal for GIS professionals, web designers, and others who want to create engaging, responsive web applications.


This course is for all individuals who want to learn to work with ArcGIS Experience Builder.


Basic familiarity with ArcGIS Online is recommended.

  • 995€
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Language: This training will be organized in Dutch and French. Also possible in English at request.

The following topics are covered:

  • Introducing ArcGIS Experience Builder
  • Designing a web app
  • Adding pages and windows to an app
  • Working with maps
  • Creating a mapcentric app
  • Creating a datacentric app
  • Configuring a mobile layout
  • Deploying an app

After following this course you will be able to:

  • Design the app layout and theme based on the audience and purpose.
  • Configure widgets to enable users to interact with your organization’s web maps and 2D and 3D data.
  • Configure widgets to provide data-driven functionality across multiple pages.
  • Test, preview, and publish your apps for use on a variety of devices.
  • 04-05/09/2024 in EN in Wemmel
  • 8-9/10/2024 in FR in Namur
  • Indicate if you have a preference for English or French.
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