
Smart City – Central Purchasing


Idelux Public Projects Esri BeLux has been selected as supplier of Smart City solutions (work management, smart community ...) as part of IDELUX's "smart" central purchasing department (Intercommunale de développement économique du Luxembourg). Come along on Thursday 24 January 2019 during the information session [...]

Smart City – Central Purchasing2023-03-08T12:23:11+01:00

Trefdag Digtaal Vlaanderen – Ghent


More than 2000 visitors The Trefdag Digitaal Vlaanderen took place on Thursday 29 November 2018 at the ICC in Ghent. The focus was on Information Flanders' mission: to digitize the government in order to facilitate service to citizens, companies and other (government) organizations. Visitors [...]

Trefdag Digtaal Vlaanderen – Ghent2023-03-08T12:23:12+01:00

GIS DAY 2018 – A Story Map


This event might just be for you! The GIS Day is an annual event celebrating geography in general and specifically the technology of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). It is a day dedicated to showing, teaching, learning and inspiring others to become excited about geography. Initiated by spatial analytics world-leader Esri (Environmental Systems Research Institute), the [...]

GIS DAY 2018 – A Story Map2023-03-08T12:23:40+01:00

ESRI DAYS 2018 – GIS in the industrial and enterprise world.


BIM (Building Information Model) and GIS, two separate worlds? More since the 2 world leaders Autodesk and Esri have joined forces. The geomatician provides information on the natural environment and built in a broader context. The designer / engineer provides information on the detailed [...]

ESRI DAYS 2018 – GIS in the industrial and enterprise world.2023-03-08T12:23:42+01:00

ESRI DAYS 2018 – What’s new in ArcGIS 10.6


What if we talked a bit about what is new in  ArcGIS? ArcGIS is more innovative than ever. ArcGIS Pro is unquestionably the richest GIS desktop application of its generation. The innovations are numerous: 3D tools, real-time, metadata management, diagrams, Arcades expressions, attribute rules [...]

ESRI DAYS 2018 – What’s new in ArcGIS 10.62023-03-08T12:23:43+01:00
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