Have your costs to display a map in your web app drastically increased with Google’s recent pricing changes? If so, you aren’t alone. This pricing update has driven many developers that were using the Google Maps API to explore web mapping alternatives and move to ArcGIS. There are a couple of reasons for this.
First, the ArcGIS API for JavaScript is a state of the art web mapping API with powerful developer tools for exploring data and creating visualizations in both 2D and 3D, widgets for building compelling user experiences, and client-side processing for creating interactive apps using the latest browser technology.
Second, with an ArcGIS Developer Subscription you can do a lot for free:
- Use of all of Esri’s APIs and SDKs for web, native, and mobile platforms
- 1,000,000 basemaps and geosearch transactions per month
- Credits towards generating routes
- Unlimited non-revenue generating apps
- Unlimited users
- Access to a wide selection of rich content and services hosted in ArcGIS Online
- Style basemaps and manage your map content
- Host, query and analyze geographic content
If you’re ready to migrate your web app from the Google Maps JavaScript API to the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, follow the link for more information: https://www.esri.com/arcgis-blog/products/js-api-arcgis/announcements/migrating-from-google-maps-javascript-api-to-arcgis-api-for-javascript/
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